VMOSA, Vision Mission Objective Strategies & Actions

Did you ever struggle with all the confusion about Vision, Mission, Objective, Goal and Strategies? Those words are sometimes used interchangeably and sometimes bear a specific meaning to those using them. If you google VMOSA, which stands for Vision, Mission, Objective, Strategies & Actions, you may find different definitions... I am usually not in favor … Continue reading VMOSA, Vision Mission Objective Strategies & Actions

Negative Branches in a Logic Tree, how things can go unexpectedly wrong

I happen to hear a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) vendor's pitch and he was speaking in cause-and-effect, demonstrating how RPA  will not destroy jobs, but on the contrary create more jobs than it destroys. The occasion was too good not to try it, therefore, in this episode of my Critical Thinking playlist, I am: translating … Continue reading Negative Branches in a Logic Tree, how things can go unexpectedly wrong

The Zoo or why many improvement initiatives on shop floor fail to deliver noticeable results at company level

The zoo is one of the metaphors used in the book “Thinking in Systems” by author Donella Meadows (1941-2001) and one of my favorite takeaways from her book. Told in my way, the zoo is a convenient way to observe animals that would not be that easy to observe in their natural habitat. In a … Continue reading The Zoo or why many improvement initiatives on shop floor fail to deliver noticeable results at company level